Balanced ballots

THE latest voter data by the ECP is a harbinger of progress. The electoral gender gap in Pakistan has notably shrunk to below 10m. With the overall voter count soaring beyond 128m, women now represent 46.13pc of the electorate. This shift, while heartening, underscores an ongoing challenge: the need for sustained efforts to further reduce this gap and enhance women’s participation in our democratic processes.
The reduced gender gap, albeit significant, is unevenly distributed across the provinces. Punjab, with a disparity of over 5m, leads in gender disparity among voters, followed by Sindh, KP, and Balochistan. While Punjab boasts districts with more than 48pc female voters, areas like South Waziristan (Lower) in KP report considerably low female voter percentages, as little as 34.54pc.

This contrast not only reflects the varied sociopolitical landscapes of these provinces but also signals where targeted interventions are most needed. The responsibility to further narrow this gap rests significantly on the shoulders of political parties.

Political parties, civic groups, and communities play a crucial role in promoting women’s voting rights. Beyond mere competition, they are stewards of democracy, responsible for initiatives like awareness campaigns and ensuring accessible polling stations. Communities, especially in regions with gender disparities, must engage in comprehensive efforts to educate and empower women, dismantling patriarchal norms. While progress has been made in narrowing the gender gap in voter participation, the goal is gender parity. As we approach future elections, collaborative efforts are essential to ensure inclusivity and value every citizen’s voice at the ballot box for an equitable democracy.

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