PTI holds out olive branch to opponents

ISLAMABAD: Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Dr Shahzad Wasim on Tuesday underlined the need for charting out a national agenda in line with contemporary needs, saying that political forces must sit together to roll heads to find out solution to the problems facing the country and determine minimum common ground.

Dr. Wasim emphasized the urgent need to reset national priorities in the Senate, highlighting economic stability and policy continuity as top agenda items. He called for setting aside ego and personal/political agendas, urging political parties to rectify mistakes rather than blaming each other. Dr. Wasim noted past governments’ focus on completing terms and punishing opponents, pointing out incidents like the snatching of nomination papers, crackdowns, and a rise in terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. He emphasized that free and fair elections are not possible under current circumstances.

Says all major parties should strive to rectify past mistakes instead of pointing fingers at each other

He highlighted that elections were a competition not a war and stressed that difference of opinion should not be taken to the level of animosity. He called for bringing down the political temperature, giving way to each other and move ahead with spirit of tolerance.

He said an environment for a healthy electoral competition had to be created where level playing field was available to all and poll campaigns could be freely conducted.

PM criticised for Baloch remarks
Senator Saadia Abbasi criticized caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq for his remarks against Baloch protesters, stating that he insulted people’s rights. She expressed regret over the caretaker prime minister’s comments branding protesters as anti-national and suggesting sympathizers join banned outfits. Senator Abbasi found it unfortunate that someone with a limited mandate had such views against people from his own province. She questioned why disappeared individuals, if considered anti-national, were not registered as such, and why they were not presented before a court. She remarked on the insult to the Senate, where members had discussed the matter the day before.

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