How long can govt hide behind ‘all is well on X’ mantra?

  1. Government’s Strategy: After facing scrutiny from the courts over unannounced curbs on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), government institutions are now pretending as if nothing happened, which is seen as an attempt to mislead the public and the courts.
  2. Concerns Raised: Abdul Moiz Jaferii, one of the petitioners challenging the disruption, criticized the government’s tactics and emphasized that the ban is unconstitutional and illegal.
  3. Digital Rights Activists’ Views: Digital rights activists argue that only the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has the legal authority to block websites under Section 37 of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, and any suggestion otherwise is legally incorrect.
  4. Impact on Society: The unofficial ban on X has affected content creators, journalists, and fact-checkers, disrupting their work and affecting their livelihoods. It has also made it harder to track and combat misinformation online.

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