Ministry of National Defence calls on the public and journalists to stop spreading false information related to ammunition base explosions

Regarding the case of the Kampong Speu military depot explosion, the Ministry of National Defence has asked the public, as well as national and international journalists, to stop spreading false information by making any conclusions or opinions by individuals that have no clear basis or intention to provoke unrest, affect security, order, or socio-economics, leading to accountability before the law.

This is according to the press release of the Ministry of National Defence on the case of the accidental explosion at the Military Region 3, which was received by the Ministry of Information’s online and digital media this morning, April 2, 2024.

Regarding the case of the explosion incident, the Ministry said that through the direct investigation at the scene of the joint task force, the case of the explosion incident on April 27, 2024, in Kampong Speu’s Military Region 3 is a technical problem due to the type of old explosive weapons, whose quality deteriorates along with the warming weather.

According to the same press release, the Ministry emphasises that the case of the Kampong Speu military depot explosion was not a matter of the insurgents committing acts of terrorism or the intentions of any individual as exaggerated.

The statement came after a number of extremist opposition groups recently spread exaggerated information on social media, confusing the public, both inside and outside the country, about the Kampong Speu military depot explosion, which caused 20 soldiers to lose their lives and some others to be injured.

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