Minister of Education: Once the economy needs more technology, it also requires more technicians

Hang Chuon Naron, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Youth, and Sports, wished young Cambodians to have professional skills because as the economy diversifies towards higher technology, more professionals are needed.

These remarks were made when Hang Chuon Naron presided over the official opening of the 7th National Technical and Vocational Education and Training Day on June 15, 2024.

Deputy Prime Minister Hang Chuon Naron emphasized that Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the 21st century is not just about acquiring professional and technical skills, but it’s a transformative process that shapes the future of the Cambodian workforce. It’s a crucial step towards modernizing Cambodia’s industrial structure from a labor-intensive to a skills-based industry, and it’s our collective responsibility to make this transformation a success.

In addition, to contribute to improving the living standards of the people and promoting economic growth towards achieving the vision of Cambodia 2030 and 2050.

The Minister of Education expressed his belief that the celebration of the 7th National Day of Technical and Vocational Education and Training will not only enrich Cambodia with a skilled workforce, but also create a favorable environment for both local and foreign investors. He highlighted the potential for increased revenue , job creation, and poverty reduction, making a compelling case for the attractiveness of investing in Cambodia.

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