Meeting held to gather input on forthcoming ‘Bakong Tourist App’

Dr. Chea Serey, Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia, chaired a working meeting yesterday on the development of the Bakong Tourists App – which aims to provide international tourists with a new, modern and advanced digital payment experience in Cambodia.

The meeting was held with a group of tourism businesses and representatives from relevant ministries and institutions on Wednesday afternoon, July 24, 2024 at the National Bank of Cambodia, Wat Phnom Building.

The purpose of this meeting is to gather input and seek cooperation to develop a good mobile application for tourists to contribute to the promotion of tourism in Cambodia by facilitating international visitors to make digital payment transactions easier.

The Governor mentioned the benefits of the Bakong mobile app for tourists, expecting it to be another new tourism product to increase the attractiveness of international visitors to Cambodia, in addition to existing tourism products, culture, tradition, history and nature.

She added that the new program will also enhance national prestige by providing international guests with a new, modern and advanced digital payment experience.

The Governor asked for cooperation from the tourism sector to facilitate the payment of electronic guests.

The meeting applauded and appreciated this good initiative and reaffirmed its readiness to cooperate to accelerate the development process of this program to be completed and launched soon.

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